The Klein Method 
Clear & Balance at the Root Cause Level 

What to Expect in A Session

What I love about The Klein Method is it let’s your subconscious and body do the talking — and tell us what needs to be understood, felt, and acknowledged. There may still be times when we do want to process out loud and speak about our feelings and experience, but often, no talking is required (much different from a talk-therapy session).

During each session:

1. We’ll start by choosing a problem or challenge to work on. This could be an obstacle to achieving a goal (like a fear, self-sabotage, or self-doubt), a physical issue, or an ongoing relationship pattern that keeps coming-up. Then, once we know the general area to work on, we let your subconscious guide us on where the priority is for us to start.

2. Next, using your hand, we’ll locate the most important block & where it is located in your body's subtle energy pathways or "meridians lines."

3. With the block located, we’ll ask the body’s nervous system simple “yes or no” questions to uncover the root cause behind the block (similar to muscle testing -- but uses only the hand for quicker responses).

We've found that around:

10% of blocks originate from our own thoughts and experiences...

30% are inherited from our parents and grandparents...

50% are actually passed down from previous generations (from war, famines, epidemics, adoptions, and stressful events)...

(Sidenote: Separation from parents for relatively short time periods, especially mom as a baby or young child can have a huge impact on us and future generations).

The final 10% of patterns often originate from other people, such as teachers, neighbors, classmates, and so on.

After we’ve cleared each block, we’ll take notice if we feel any better or if something has shifted. When we have a block, corresponding muscles will contract by around 20% and we can verify that the pattern is released by checking for improved muscle tension. Generally, after we release a pattern, we may feel a sense of relief or a weight lifting off. Sometimes it takes some time to integrate and process the release.

Often, there may be a number of blocks associated with a certain problem. So, we will follow the nervous system’s intuitive guidance (along with your goals) to work through the most important ones for the moment. Your intention on what you want to achieve. transform, and access can greatly assist in the process. You can think of The Klein Method as an empowering tool to access emotions and blocked energy we wouldn't ordinarily be able to reach-- though, ultimately, it's you who is doing the processing and clearing of the pattern. 

The Klein Method with Hans Klein

Clear and Balance at The Root Cause Level


Available for remote and local sessions in Greensboro, NC

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